Dziennik SelinaMinus60, 09 cze 10

a mixed journal today!

i am soo happy i have lost half a stone in 27 days :O and that includes having major surgery and getting sick every 5 seconds imagine what i can do now that i am healthy, i have decided that i like weighing in everyday it gives me motivation and stops me having bad snacks. before i was weighing in weekly and found myself justifying the treats without thinking about the damage they were doing and losinf at most 1-2lbs a week. in the past two days i have really focused on eating well (i did have my treat meal) and been weighing everyday seeing rhe scale change and knowing its because i didnt eat that chocolate yesterday and i did work out for an hour makes me extremely happy so everyday weighing it is :)

and now the bad news - i dont know what to do :( im living back at home for the next couple of months before i move and im finding it really hard. I cam home to slowly discover that my mum has had some sort of mental breakdown she's so irratic i never know which mum i am going to get, one day i will say something and she will take it how i mean it and then another day she will start going mental at me and telling me to move out! it's so hard and it stresses me out so much which is terrible for my IBS she's also taken to blaming me for everything my 16 year old sister does for example this morning myt sister woke up late and had to ask my mum for a lift to school so she could take an exam - which my mum does grudgingly and then when she gets back she starts slamming around and screaming and shouting and telling me she wont take me to the doctors in an hour despite the fact its miles and miles away from where we live :/ i didnt even get a chance to tell her about my good news because she just started screaming. she acts like she's my sisters age she always has to have the last word, never apologises and can never admit she's wrong. It was my birthday a few weeks ago and she took some stuff that rendered her completly useless (not an accident it had happened to a friend a couple of days before) and then when i got angry and upset that she was off her face on my birthday she shouted at me and told me i was the selfish one. whenever me and my sister beg her to get clean she either says she will or she shouts at us and tells us its our fault. and to top it all off she is off work because she is "sick" and has been for months even though she promised that she would only take a couple of weeks off and has now decided she is agrophobic although apprently its selective agrophobia as she can make it to her friends house to get wasted everyday. sorry i didnt even intend to write all this i just dont tell people about it usually.


Great job with the loss! I'm so sorry things are so bad at home. It's tough to see a parent making bad choices, knowing there really isn't anything you can do about it. She has to want to change. Just remember, it's only for a couple more months. If it were me, I'd probably find ways to be out of the house most of the time. Hang in there!  
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: amryk
Thank you :) it is really hard she says she wants to change but ive heard that too many times before i've told her than if she wants to know any future grandchildren she has to be clean i wont subject anyone else to this. i think i am going to try and make the gym my sanctury and stay in my room the rest of the time lol :P 
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: SelinaMinus60
Is it possible that she's going through the dreaded "change"? That would make me act like a crazy person!  
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: jenju
I dont think so she still gets her TOM and she's only 47 so it might be too early she's just really erratic all the time. she didnt take me to the doctors this morning but has not left to take on of her friends to their doctor when she saw i was upset by that she got really angry and started shouting about how i should grow up! it doesnt make sense the friend she is taking is a physically abled 45year old and it is not any kind of emergency i dont understand how she doesnt get why im upset! :( 
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: SelinaMinus60
Well congrats on the loss.. as for the rest.. I am sorry.. you are in a terrible position, if I were you (not knowing all of the circumstances) I would try my best to just fly under her radar. that is not a fun way to live.. but if you really need to stay there and you are forced to depend on her.. then that is what you must do... then in the future try to avoid ever having to depend on her whenever possible. My mom is a bit of a flake and that is how I made it through. She would yell and scream and never take responsibility for any of her mistakes.. everything was always my fault. So I always tried to just not be at home and when I was at home I tried to be invisible. And when those two plans did not work out.. I just took my lumps and TRIED not to fight with her.. for one thing it was just useless to try and use common sense with a person who refused to even listen to logic.. and the other thing was even if I was right and could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was right and she would agree that I was right... I would win that battle but lose other "wars" so it was just pointless.. I moved out of her house as soon as I could and she is not allowed to be alone with my kids. One of my friends who i have know for 20 years now commented how hard it must be to have a relationship with my mom after all the terrible things she has said and done. I told her it is all about expectations. I try to never ever depend on her then she can never let me down in that regard.. and once I moved out I laid down very clear rules about behavior and what was acceptable and what is not and what will happen if the rules are not followed. I see her now about once or twice a year (she lives about 23 hours away of straight driving with no stops) and we speak on the phone every other month or so. Would I like a better relationship with my mom.. yes.. do I think it is possible.. no.. so I do the best that I can with what I have.. and that is all any person can do.  
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: Ceebee
Thank you all for your care and concern :) i feel i might have made my mum sound horiffic she is actually a good mum she has brought me up pretty much on her own ive never had to want for anything and i do love her with all my heart its just hard to deal with this 'new' her. ah well suck it up go to the gym and hide is my plan for the next too months :P 
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: SelinaMinus60
You might suggest to your mom to see a doctor - if she has a thyroid condition or other then a simple visit to the doc might help? Especially if she has been fine and is now having problems, it could be medical. Good luck, hang in there. 
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: abbadabba
hey abba no thyroid condition known (also i dont have one yaaay) but yeah no my mum wont go to a doctor she is super against western medicine and therapists and basically anything else that might work instead she has decided to self medicate. looking back i dont think she has ever really been fine i know now that there are things in her past that have messed her up a lot and shes always been quite insecure (anything that could be taken as a criticism is also taken as saying she is a bad parent) i think it has all just come to a head and exploded and she doesnt realise how much it is affecting my sister and i. i try and tell her but she gets upset and sees it as me criticising her and her parenting skills :/ 
09 cze 10 przez użytkownika: SelinaMinus60
So sorry Selina about all the controversy at home and yet great news on the weight loss front!!! I like Amy's approach in terms of just doing your best to get through this until you can get into a place of your own again. Don't expect her to be your mum. She clearly isn't well and so it is self-defeating to expect too much from her right now. Love her the best you can and help your sister as much as you can. I would sit down with your little sister ... take her for a stroll, talk to her and plan how you and she can make things a bit easier for your mum and keep each other sane. If she won't go to a doctor and their isn't perhaps another family member or close friend who can talk to her you are rather stuck. It is difficult for parents to hear what their children have to say sometimes. Especially when they are not well. Hang in there ... something will give eventually. 
10 cze 10 przez użytkownika: madaboutmoose
It is difficult but i saw some hope yesterday we started to sort out our backyard and make it into a nice place to sit as we get so much sun and stuff and she started to open up a bit - she said she didnt really realise it (the madness) coming on and didnt know how to get rid of it. but she is very positive about the garden we have put a big screen up against our fence so that we can have some privacy from a neighbour who is quite literally crazy and really upsets my mum (she recently decided to throw bleach over my mums flowers (she is an avid gardener) and over the washing line (ruining some of my clothes) my mum doesnt retatliate because the neighbour would call the police recently our neighbour on the other side had a huuuge loud annoying party untill 3 am and our crazy neighbour called the police on us! so it has definitely helped in making my mum not wantt to leave the house now that we are sorting it out i am hoping the positive energy will help her begin to heal or at least to re evaluate a bit. 
11 cze 10 przez użytkownika: SelinaMinus60
Sounds like you are onto something with the backyard!!! Glad you saw a little hope in a difficult situation. Don't give up on your mom ... she's doing the best she can with what she knows!! I hope you have a good day Selina!! 
11 cze 10 przez użytkownika: madaboutmoose



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