Dziennik I will win, 03 lut 17

I have been looking at various Fatty Clubs (weight loss organisations) such as Slimming World and trying to understand how they work out calories and what can be eaten and what to avoid.
Many of them, along with other diet recipes, tell me that I should eat as much vegetables as I wish.
When I look at the vegetable soup recipe for the club that uses so called points it says the soup is FREE!! They also say that vegetables are free.
Now then, if it is FREE….. its for Meeeeeeeee ………… I work out my meals at least a day in advance more if I can. I then put it on a spreadsheet and calculate the calories for that day. My aim is to keep on or under 1000 calories per day for now and to increase later as I ditch the weight to slow things down a little and get back to being a normal human again.
All my meals have 60 gram of each vegetable or 2.11 ounces for those on funny money that weight is a constant so if I have Broccoli FS says that the weight works out to 14 calories. Carrots is 25 calories and Sprouts works out at 17 calories and I use the same weight for every meal. NO POTATOS!
This totals to 56 calories in just vegetables for every meal, not a lot is it really.
I do eat meat including red but even my meat intake is limited to 150 gram (5.29 ounces) and I make sure I have at least one fresh fruit every day all within my 1000 calories.
If for example I have chicken breast at 150 gram (5.29 ounces) FS says this would be 207 calorieS.
Then I add my drinks and any snacks I may be allowed within the 1000 calories.
My burning question is this. If vegetables are zero calorie rated why am I including them in my daily calorie count ??? Should I include vegetables in my calorie count ???
I would value the opinions of any FS member who may be inclined to help me.

1 użytkownik wspierający    Wsparcie   

I get what you are saying WILL. To begin with I do think that 1000 calories a day is way to low. Try calculating what your RD1 should be by using the tools in FS. You will get fed up with just veg and some meat in this combination and you will need to try some different foods. I am having a go with the Blood Sugar diet, and have found that I do get fuller quicker with the recipes. There are some good books you can buy on Amazon. The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet by Michael Mosley is a good start. Veg cannot be a free food! It becomes boring on its own anyway, I have to add herbs or do a veg stir fry in Pure Virgin Olive Oil to get that extra flavour. Good fats are perfect... you might need to do some research which will help your thinking. Be careful with soft fruits as they have natural sugars and this is a bit of a no no really. I used to eat grapes, cherries, pineapples and oranges like they were going our of season Will. But they did not fill me up.. just left me full of sugar and ready to eat again after an hour or so. Yes, is the answer to including veg in your calories count... as Jocko says log everything you put into your mouth buddy. I am not sure with Slimming World's diets, but I reckon that they are classified a 'Free Food' under their guidelines of the point system. As I said you will be bored with too many veggies. WILL, I do try not to complicate things myself and plan and eat to suit my own taste. I have never been a good eater all the days of my life and I put on weight due to snacking and not eating properly at mealtimes. The BSD has stopped this to some extent that is why I am losing weight. What I want is a lifestyle of eating and not a diet. Read some of the journals here. There are good buddies who have lost a lot of weight. They will help you. I am not the best FS buddy to give advice, but I am trying very hard and have learnt a lot here. Keep trying, keep motivated and keep yourself sane by not over complicating/ overthinking your food choices. All the best.. hope some of this helps x  
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mrs Maths
Some people succeed with Slimming World and I can understand that SW might decide that veg are 'free' because a lot of them don't contain many calories and lots of people do need to be encouraged to eat more. However, some veg are surprisingly calorific because they're so sweet. I didn't know anything about how the SW system works, so I've looked them up. If I've understood rightly, I see that pasta and rice are free foods too. Which strikes me as a bit odd, as they contain a lot of calories. It's a system that works for some people, but I'm not sure it would work for me. The whole logging what you eat business is complicated. I had a break from the Blood Sugar Diet (which I'm also following to encourage Mr Snoop, who is prediabetic) and a few weeks off logging and still managed to lose a little weight. Not much, but at least I did lose something rather than putting it on. I've gone back on the BSD and am logging again. But even if you don't painstakingly log what you eat, I personally believe that veg do count towards your calorie intake. To go back to the Blood Sugar Diet, it is intended for diabetics and prediabetics but people like me, who are neither but have a lot to lose, have also found it useful. There are various forms of the BSD depending on how strict you want to be. The strictest is the Fast 800, which is 800 calories a day for eight weeks. However, for an older person with health issues, this may not be advisable. That said, it's surprising how well (and deliciously) you can eat on 800 to a thousand calories! The focus is on good, healthy food, just not enormous amounts of it! And obviously, carbs are kept low due to the diabetic aspect. So, I've cut out the starchy carbs. As I'm not a diabetic, I could still eat them, but if I'm trying to stick to 800 calories or thereabouts, I'd use up my calorie 'allowance' quite quickly and go hungry. I don't want to knock SW or undermine those who are following SW, but it wouldn't work for me. That said, it might for you.  
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Snoop Puss
My Dear Mrs Maths, thank you for commenting. I suspect you have taken my post the wrong way as the foods I quote are not the only food I eat. I do have a varied diet. I only quoted them as an example to show how I work out my calorie intake and should I ignore the veg as suggested by so called experts. I also agree with you that 1000 calories is a low count and I have no intention of staying on that number but will increase it when I reach my first target which I hope will be end of this month. I then intend increasing my calories slowly over a number of months so I can gauge the correct intake in order to sustain and maintain my weight. I am not going to get concerned about the weight loss as I am booked in for a PET scan early next week so depending on the results I should know soon if it is worth me continuing to torture myself trying to get the weight off or is mother nature, like last time, going to do it all for me while I sit watching TV and scoffing my fish and chips and por4k pies for afters – time will tell.  
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: I will win
Thank you Snoop I will continue to count veg calories. lol 
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: I will win
I understand what you are saying as I used to be in Weight Watcher's and we counted points. Weight Watcher's doesn't count veggies or fruits. If you are having success with watching calories, stay at 1000 but don't count your veggies or fruit. You will have to count everything else, including potatoes and pasta and rice. I think all of these diets are low fat and keep you around 1100 - 1200 calories (veggies and fruit included). They say don't go crazy with fruits though. 
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mom2Boxers
Now this is what I have been waiting for. Now we have another opinion saying “don’t count vegies”. The fact is vegies are only a small count when it comes to calories and I just cannot get my head around this. The truth is, we all have our own way to handle losing weight. Some people are genuine in the quest, some only play at it and use all sorts of excuses why they failed yet there are those who will succeed or die in the attempt. I can’t at this stage say if I will succeed or am I getting divine assistance but by the end of next week I will know one way or the other. Then I need an answer to my question, do I count vegies or not right now the score is 2 for one against.  
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: I will win
WILL, no problem . In my comment I did not misunderstand, as you sound logical and realistic, I just wanted to clarify what I was saying, so I did not mislead in any way. I understand your dilemma. Not easy buddy. I'm in the same boat. You will can do this 😁😁. But this time it's the rest of my life health plan.  
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mrs Maths
OMG .. just love to eat a pork pie. Not had one for 6 months nearly. Oh dear Buddy one of my nearest foods ever 😵 
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mrs Maths
Text error alert.. bestest foods ..not nearest duh Mrs M 
03 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mrs Maths
IWW, if you don't want to weigh your vegetables, don't. But be mindful of them. For example, a heap of roasted parsnips is going to contain far more calories than the same amount of steamed cauli. There are some things I weigh that I probably wouldn't bother with if my plate wasn't already sitting on the scales. I love lamb's lettuce and eat quite a lot of it. But really, you get a huge amount for next to no calories and so weighing it is hardly worth bothering with, except I then pile avocado pear, red pepper and carrot on top and in my case they do need weighing. 
04 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Snoop Puss
At this time, I am weighing anything which passes my lips but this is because I don’t understand why the “fatty clubs” all say vegies don’t count yet others say they do and I am playing safe. My wife and I have agreed a weight for vegies which we set at 60 gram. We do have potatoes one per week but ensure they weigh in with our calorie setting of 1000. This means that I know what I am consuming in calories every meal without even asking and my spreadsheet calculates the total for me making it so easy. The support I have on FS is amazing how could anyone fail with support like this. Thank you all.  
04 lut 17 przez użytkownika: I will win
I agree with SP - be mindful of which veg you're counting. I tend to weigh everything (except cabbage - I estimate that as I eat so much, I have a good idea of what 100g looks like). My belief is that the SW and WW systems are a simplified version of calorie counting anyway, grouping similar foods into calorie ranges then assigning points to make it easier to follow. After all, marketeers believe we women (which these systems are aimed at) struggle with those number thingies. I'm very confused by rice and pasta being 'free' foods though 🤔 Bottom line - I vote for weighing and counting. 
04 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Phooka
I count EVERYTHING, including veg as I am LCHF so I need to know my net carbs/sugars. When I was doing the traditional low fat diet I still counted veg/fruit calories. My vote goes to counting everything. 
04 lut 17 przez użytkownika: fattyfattyboombooms
I believe that a person can lose weight with low carb or low fat. Calories do count no matter which one you do .... but eating nutrient dense foods, not junk. I was hungry all the time with Weight Watchers and I started eating junky food because it was low in points. Any diet club or site that pushes their own products (and believe me they are not nutritious, for the most part) ... isn't promoting good health. We have to search for our own WOE that suits us. We're all different. I Will Win, do what works for you .. as you can see we all have different ideas on what to eat. Veggies are good for you. I don't know why we should limit them or count them unless they are high glycemic ... like white potatoes. 
04 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mom2Boxers
First let me thank all who responded to my plea for advice, it is really appreciated and has proven helpful. From the comments, it seems there is no definitive answer to my question “do we have to include the calories for Vegetables”. It is clear that some members do and some members don’t with the end result really being it is a personal decision but if you are losing weight then don’t change a winning combination. It has been interesting exercise.  
05 lut 17 przez użytkownika: I will win
Good question in the first place WILL😍 
05 lut 17 przez użytkownika: Mrs Maths



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