Hope Springs Eternal
Członek FatSecret od luty 2019
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
93,9 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 1,0 kg

Aktualna Waga
92,9 kg
Wyniki: Traci 0,3 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
79,4 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 13,5 kg
Love my life and who I am as a person. Very confident and comfortable with the amazing life I have built. Blessed to have three beautiful girls, a wonderful hubby and successful career that I really love. I enjoy entertaining friends, volunteering with various organizations and serving my community.

Everything is great EXCEPT I've let myself physically disappoint me. UGH!

I have always had to battle my weight, but I've always been able to workout and keep things pretty in check. Over the past 5 years I've noticed that my goal of being back in the 170s may not happen and had begun to settle into being happy in the 180s. However, in the past 3 months....out of nowhere... I've gone from 180s to over 200! WTF!?!? I know I have not made the best choices.... I know I"m not working out enough and I know I'm enjoying to much vino. BUT, I think some of it is my age. 47. UGH! I never really believed that was a real thing....or I guess I HOPED it wasn't. But boy howdy....it is hitting me. MY HABITS HAVE TO CHANGE.

My plan:

Get more sleep....quality sleep
Drink less alcohol. Enjoy it now and then but not every day.
Eat less "white" carbs
Drink more water. I'm lucky, I love water but I do need to ramp it back up.
Mediation/quiet/focus time each day. I enjoy keeping a "happiness" aka gratitude journal and have recently started learning/exploring meditation.
WORKOUT! MOVE....sweat... DO!

My first MUST ACHIEVE GOAL is to get back below 200.
Next...get back into the 180s
Ultimate, dream goal would be to land in the 170s.

I know what needs to happen...I just need to DO IT!

Historia Wagi Hope Springs Eternal


Debbie Cousins
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 3,7 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 1,9 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,3 kg na tydzień Down

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