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21 kwietnia 2016

Good Evening, FS Warriors! Well, I hope everyone is winning their war against the Fat Monster. I've been pretty much on R&R, but I'll get back in the war as soon as the weather gets nice again. Yesterday I had about 8 hours of homework, one of the most demanding school days I've had. Today the rain only allowed me an hour or so which allowed me to get some mowing done. It was pretty dreary and cool, so I spent most of the day inside, studying some, and playing the guitar.

DW went shopping out of town with her girlfriend all day. She kept having reservations about going, leaving me alone, and not getting anything done around the house. I told her to get the heck out of here. She needed to get out and start getting back to doing something - anything. I never have trouble keeping myself occupied, or finding something to eat. In fact, as I remember, I usually find too much to eat. And that is the topic for another day. Hope everyone has a good night's rest and a wonderful day tomorrow. Toodles!

18 kwietnia 2016

Good Evening, FS Warriors! Another glorious day! After a brief stint over to the church to help with some financial matters, I rode into town on the old Shovelhead, and went to the bank and then over to get my monthly haircut. The bike has never run better; at least until I started running out of gas. Then I flipped the lever over to reserve, filled her up at the closest gas station, and commenced again to get the wind in my hair and the bugs in my teeth. The Weather Guessers are calling for rain tonight, and the next couple of days, so I got my riding in while the weather couldn't be any more perfect.

The diet is so so. I don't feel like I'm eating that much, but with DW still sick most of the time, I eat what I can when I can. Sometimes my meals aren't quite as nutritious as they would be if she was planning dinner. Most of the stuff in the freezers are set up for two-person meals, and I'm not breaking them up to fix them without her. So, mostly it's leftovers, Ramen noodles, peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, etc. I'm not going hungry; I just don't have time to prepare three course nutritional meals - just in case DW is still in bed. It is so unpredictable. Doctors don't have a clue; just think they can fix everything by throwing more drugs at her. She has an appointment with the Family Doctor tomorrow, and a follow-up visit with the BC surgeon Friday. She's been cancer free for I guess about two years now, but has not been in good health for any appreciable length of time ever since her treatments.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with the Grand Pubah (not his official title :D ) for the church district. I guess he wants to see if I'm worth investing any time in. Sometimes I wonder myself. Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the easy part; it's dealing with people that is the challenge. :) We have a sign above the entrance to our church that says, "No Perfect People Allowed." However, there are some that really want to put that to the test.

Well, here's hoping everyone has a wonderful evening, and an even better day tomorrow. Toodles!

16 kwietnia 2016

Good Evening, FS Warriors! We had one beautiful day today. It could be like today every day for the rest of my life and I wouldn't complain. Spent the morning cutting and grinding off a trailer jack hub that I welded on in the wrong orientation. Yep, I didn't even think to look at which way the locking pin was facing, and I welded the thing so that the boat trailer jack would be sitting at almost a 45 degree angle instead of straight up and down When locked into place. I really had it welded on good, which made it really tough to take it back off. I put some primer paint on it, and I can't hardly wait to do it again - but this time in the right orientation.

That job took me up to lunchtime and I cooked up a bowl of Ramen noodles. Then I went out and planted tomato plants and put a short fence around the garden plot to keep the rabbits out. At least, I hope it keeps the rabbits out. I've still got to plant the Swiss chard, the green beans, radishes, cucumbers and kale. DW decided that I had not done enough for the day so she had me break out the lawn swings and some of the grandkids' bikes and other toys, which they weren't interested in anyway. I took an old tractor tire and put it out in the yard for her to plant flowers in, and that will be a story for another day. I was beat when I came in and took a shower

Diet was going great until supper time. DW fried up an 8 oz New York Strip steak, split a sweet potato with me, and made a big salad with all the fixings. I thought maybe I was still going to pull off a decent diet day, until the butter flavored biscuits came out of the oven. Game over! I can't resist hot butter flavored biscuits. She did not play fair. Three biscuits later and my gut was bulging beyond what it has in the last two months. I hate it when that happens. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I am not going to beat myself up for having a really great meal, even though I did overdo it. No chocolate mousse, or cherry cheesecake, or anything like that; just too much of a good thing.

Got to practice again for tomorrow's worship service, read the last two chapters of next week's assignment and then I will be done for the evening. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Toodles!

14 kwietnia 2016

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! I finally got that rain cap put on the gas furnace flue for the gym. I don't feel real comfortable working over 30 ft. Up in the air, but I couldn't find any volunteers to do it for me. It was the jerking back and forth to tear some of the old one off that gets kind of scary - especially in the wind. The new one was also one inch too big in diameter, but I bought it before the winter and decided that I wasn't going to try and take it back and go back up in the air. So, I screwed the heck out of it and if it blows off again, I'll go get the right size. It will work fine as long as it stays up there. At least I know my machine will get close enough to the building and go high enough to do the job.

Tater tot casserole for lunch and now I can go do something a little less nerve wracking - like mowing. The I am going to have to work on rearranging some of the gym. It's a bear moving that monster lift around; I need to make it so I can just move it straight in and out of the door. Too many tractors, motorcycles, tools and merchandise all around. I would say that it was junk, but my father-in-law convinced me that there is no such thing - it's merchandise. :) It's not that bad; just a lot of stuff that needs to be better organized.

Well, got to go burn off some more calories. Have a great day! Toodles!

13 kwietnia 2016

Good Evening, FS Warriors! What a beautiful day here in Central Illinois! Can't stay inside on a day like this. The antique Ford 8N was running a little rough since I got it running so I rebuilt the carburetor. Then I went out a plowed up a little plot for a garden; DW didn't want a big garden - just enough to grow some Roma tomatoes, Cherie tomatoes, burpee type tomatoes, green peppers, green beans, Swiss chard, and I want to try growing some kale.

Had a little oatmeal with honey this morning. Came inside about 2 and had some tuna salad on Romaine lettuce. Sounds like I am so disciplined, but it's only because we have leftover tater tot casserole tonight. :)

The weather is only going to get better here this week. I will get to mow again. No class until Monday. How great is that! I still have a couple motorcycles to work on and I hope to rewire a motorcycle trailer this week. I've got to go up high to put a new cap on the smokestack for the gymnasium; I was going to do that today, but got sidetracked. Loving retirement. Have to get out of this mode of deadlines to get things done. Who cares if it gets done tomorrow or the next day? Haha; just so I stay busy; that's what counts. And I won't have any trouble doing that. Toodles!

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