Dziennik VickieLu1971

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06 października 2012

I did neglect to do my journal entry on the actual day of Friday, but I am not going to make excuses.. I just made alternate choices last night...

Yesterday I volunteered at the elementary school book fair all day so I didnt get a whole lotta steps in... only 4233 so today my family is going Geo Caching and hiking with me to help me make up for my lacking this past week. I am so glad my family is behind my journey this time.

I only burned 2222 calories, being so relatively inactive all day but I didnt take in a whole lot of calories either, until I talked my husband into buying some beer...

I had 3 cups of coffee for breakfast, Hawaiian Chicken for lunch, and a hot dog with a bite of chili for dinner when I find my phone in the morning I will come back and enter my intake calories. (OUCH.. Beer, Cheetos, and M&M's can NOT be a "slip" again.. 1576 calories just in that alone.. more than my daily allowance) total calorie intake for Friday was 2,015...
615 calories OVER my maximum desirable intake.. I have to tell ya, it was NOT worth all of my hard work all week long to blow it in one night playing silly drinking games.. I never realized how much punch those calories carried.. now I am bloated, I dont feel well still and my immune system is weakened as I fight a hangover so I am now officially sick, chest congestion, sneezing, coughing and the whole bit.. so all in all, even thought I had a great time with my hubby, it was NOT worth it...
I drank 19 glasses of water no soda and no fast food technically.

04 października 2012

I honestly do not know what my total totals are for today.. I have been running around crazy... Last time I synced my Body Bugg, I was at 2358 calories burned, with a goal of 2400 for the day. I had 18 glasses of water though... no doubt about it I am well hydrated!! I cheated and stepped on the scale this morning and so far I am pleased with my progress... the true test is the weekends though.. let me keep it up when everyone is home 24 hours a day and I can say I succeeded!! I will come back tomorrow to edit with totals, but I woke up at 4am and didnt get a nap in again today. I am already in bed and I am crabby.. I need to go to sleep before I start drinking empty calories or snacking like it hurts anyone else :(

food: coffee this am, water all day, Popcorn chicken, for some reason I was not hungry at all, but forced myself to eat some of my sons chicken, then my husband BBQ'd some Carne Asada and I had one piece with a tortilla... maybe it is the changing weather, but I was just not hungry at all today and now i am freezing so I am off to bed.. OHHH, I also tried to drink one of the newest Monster less than zero (or some ridiculous name like that in the white can) was NASTY with a super huge after taste so I gave up after 2 sips...

03 października 2012

2828 calories burned, 768 consumed, I drank 17 cups of water, took 7801 steps and got served a HUGE helping of stress, anger, and sadness.. HOWEVER.... However, I did NOT stop and get a Hamburger or Ice Cream on my way back across town past all 20 fast food stands.. I fought my van and gained control of the steering wheel JUST in the nick of time.. as I walked the last mile of my day, (3.78 at last count for today) I talked to myself totally out loud.. I told myself that Even though I want to save both of my boys, I am NOT going to sabotage my efforts and use my stupid ex (even though I was NOT quite that nice about him when I was talking to myself)and his stupid BS games as an excuse. I have to make decisions to do what is right for ME.. I am in control of me alone.. I cant control him, either of my boys or any of my 3 girls, my family, friends or anyone other than me... and even if I cant control everything that happens to me, I can slow the hell down and control my reactions to these happenings.. he has always tried to control me and my shocking revelation today, after being divorced for more than 10 years, I am still letting him control me.. he plays me like a cheap guitar.. and I play into it every time..
then I get even more mad at myself for falling for it again and I eat and drink too much of all the bad stuff to cope with being so stupid all over again..
so not any more.. when my ex came by my house to "talk" I explained to him that he was done and over.. his control, his games, his lies.. I am not going to be affected in any adverse way by them any more. Mind you I have been remarried for 9 years to an amazing man, but the ex still has that insane hold on my anger button. and this Epiphany finally came to me today.. 2 years of being dragged to court countless times (Literally every Friday for 13 months then at least once every other month for 8 months following that)and heaping stress upon stress upon stress on me and I took it on willingly to be able to say I was there for my kids the whole time.. I was his emotional punching bag after I refused to be his physical punching bag any more.

Lets see how well this goes!!

Progress on goals, I stayed far away from Fast Food, I drank well over 10 glasses of water, I didnt get in 5 miles walking, but I will add a little extra for the next few days to make up for it to get back on track. I journaled my food and water intake, I didnt get in an exercise video, but I will definitely do two tomorrow! I believe that is all of my challenges, I weigh in on Monday so I dont know how I am doing on that front, but I feel good about it.

02 października 2012

final counts for the day are 3223 Calories burned today, 11,839 steps taken, almost 6 miles of walking, food intake was 996 calories and 20 8 oz cups of water.
I ended up having brunch instead of breakfast chorizo and eggs and potatoes and tortillas, then for dinner I made Hawaiian Chicken and Brown Rice and for a snack I had a handful of Peanut m&m's.. I know, not the best choice, but I figure in moderation I am better off than cold turkey to where I gorge later...
I walked 3 different times, the first two times (4.75 miles) I wore my weighted workout gloves. I tried to convince myself to do a workout video when I got home, but something about hating this house so bad makes me want to sleep or eat every time I walk into it. then to top it off, the kids and I decorated for Halloween last night and all of the Rubbermaid containers are still in my living room... tomorrow the teen boy is home from school, I will have him clean up the living room and entertain the little girls and make myself do something in the way of at home work out...

02 października 2012

Historia Wagi VickieLu1971

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