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15 stycznia 2013

08 stycznia 2013

Day 2:

“The greatest thing you have is the 24 hours in front of you. The past is gone; the future is distant. Today you CAN succeed. Set a goal you can achieve in the next 24 hours."

In the next 24 hours, my goal is to continue to watch what I eat. I am planning out my meals in advance before I go to work each day. I find that it helps me greatly to plan things out in advance as it helps me to stay on track. I am eating five 300 calorie meals a day for a total of 1500 calories to start off my diet. I haven't started an exercise plan yet, but hope to do that later this week or next week.

All I need to do today is stay focused on the next 24 hours and get my head in the game. I think the reason I fail so many times while dieting is due to the fact that I look to the future too much. My main focus was the end result, which is several, several months away if not years away (which my ultimate goal is to lose down to 150 pounds which for my height is within the normal portion of the BMI scale). It is going to take me a long time to accomplish my ultimate goal. But I am willing to start working on it again. So, today I have committed to making good food choices and I will accompish this daily goal.

07 stycznia 2013

01 października 2012

Day 58: I have been out of touch with FS for the past few days. This is partly because I have been away from my computer, partly because last week has hell for me, and partly because I have been eating badly since last Thursday night. I did gain 0.5 lbs back this past week. Not a huge gain but it is still is a gain in the wrong direction and I view that as horrible. Last week, my 14 year old cat went missing. She showed back up the next day but was seriously sick and had to be taken to the emergency vet and has subsequently had to stay in the animal hospital for a full week now. Thankfully, she is getting better and is being released today to go home. I have been horribly stressed out about her and I have let that stress rule my thoughts and actions and have been eating fast food a few times this weekend. I don’t handle stress very well and I need to learn how to cope with stress better and not turn to food to make me feel better. In addition, I was very hormonal last week as it was my time of the month. So that did not help with my stress level either. I’m not trying to make excuses for myself for last week, but I just wanted to let all my buddies what has been going on with me. Needless to say, I am back and today is a new day and I am going right back into my diet. And hopefully tomorrow back to exercising. I am in my 9th week of dieting and I have lost a total of 25 pounds, which I am very excited about and I don’t want to gain any of those pounds back again.

I did over the weekend complete a 5k Run/Walk for cancer in a little over an hour. My Mom, Dad, and I walked in honor of my Aunt Sandra, who has recently overcome breast cancer. I also walked in honor my Dad, who has battled colon cancer three different times. And he is the best father anyone could have. I came in second to last in the race though. Out of the 45 people that showed up for the event, only 5 of us walked (all the others ran). But I enjoyed every minute of it and it encouraged me to continue on my exercise program and work my way up to running at one of those kinds of events. So, tomorrow I am going to kick some butt on the treadmill and elliptical. By the way, my Dad did win a trophy for his age class and he will have his picture in the paper. He was very excited.

This week my goals are to:
1. Continue to exercise (At least 4-5 days out of the week).
2. Continue to watch what I eat and how much I eat (Three 300 calorie meals a day and two 150 calorie snacks for a total of 1200 calories a day).
3. Continue to drink water throughout the day (Drink at least 64 oz or more of water a day).
4. Continue to think positive thoughts (Continue to improve my determination and strength).
5. Take multi-vitamin daily.
6. Not turn to food when stressful or being lazy.

This week my reason for my lifestyle change is: the real possibility of colon cancer. Since my Dad has had colon cancer three different times, my chances of getting colon cancer are though the roof. And the number one thing that also increases my chances of getting colon cancer is an unhealthy diet and being over weight. I have seen first hand how cancer has affected my Father’s life and if I can decrease my chances of getting colon cancer by eating healthier and losing weight then I need to do whatever I can.

“The greatest thing you have is the 24 hours in front of you. The past is gone; the future is distant. Today you CAN succeed. Set a goal you can achieve in the next 24 hours."

18 września 2012

Day 45: I am going on my 7th week of dieting. I had a great week last week. I exercised 6 days out of the week and kept my caloric intake around the 1200 range. I ended up losing 3 lbs, which put me out of the 250s; and since I weigh in weekly on a doctor’s office scale (non-digital) that means a lot to me to go down another notch. Yesterday was my mother’s 49th birthday and to celebrate, the family went out to Longhorn Steakhouse and had Gigi’s Cupcakes afterwards. So need less to say, I went well over my caloric intake yesterday. But today is a new day and I am going right back into my diet. Even though I did stray from my diet last night, I still believe in myself and I am still committed to this weight loss journey I am on. So, I plan to start back exercising tonight or tomorrow after my stomach isn’t so upset from the fatty and sugary foods I eat last night because each time I go off my diet plan, I end up paying for it afterwards and yesterday was no exception.

This week my goals are to:
1. Continue to exercise (At least 4-5 days out of the week).
2. Continue to watch what I eat and how much I eat (Three 300 calorie meals a day and two 150 calorie snacks for a total of 1200 calories a day).
3. Continue to drink water throughout the day (Drink at least 64 oz or more of water a day).
4. Continue to think positive thoughts (Continue to improve my determination and strength).
5. Take multi-vitamin daily.

This week my reason for my lifestyle change is: a happier colon. Let’s face it, my colon and digestive system is much happier when I am eating a more balanced diet. I can say goodbye to those days when I felt bad or embarrassed about my stomach issues. I am no longer faced with the bloating, gas, or explosive BMs.

Here is another quote for all my FS friends. “You won't fail if you're not perfect, you'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day”. Hope everyone has a healthy week.

Historia Wagi Jessie1405

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