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06 sierpnia 2010

05 sierpnia 2010

Woke up this morning and my back was hurting, not sure if it was sore or I'll pulled something while doing yoga. I think I have to wait till my tummy goes down some more because I couldn't do a lot of the moves in the Yoga X (P90X series) and it was 93 minutes long. I was only able to do about 35 minutes which was all in the beginning and a few throughout the rest as I forwarded the dvd and tried some. I tried the balancing exercises and was good until he started twisting and flipping. So yea I think I will wait till my tummy is at least half gone for that video. I will just do 90 minutes more of cardio on the days that I have to do the Yoga X video.

Been doing some laundry today. Tried a delish recipe I found online for chowder. It is in my cookbook. I didn't write the directions down. So you if want them just send me a note. I was surprised that 1 cup serving was very filling and delicious! I have been eating almost all day and I still have less than 500 calories and its already after 4pm. Maybe I'll snack on almonds or make a sandwich for a snack to up my calories. I still need to do my workout and my bike ride. I'm bummed because my son can't go with me until his foot heals. The bike ride was going to be our bonding time. I can't wait till he is better!

I will curl up with a book tonight. I miss reading for fun. With the last year being back in school and I take double the units a full time student would, I have no time to read for myself anymore. But since semester ended last week, I think I will read a book or two tonight.

Hope everyone is doing great!

04 sierpnia 2010

Even though the clock now says 1:30AM, I am still on Tuesday the 3rd-Haven't went to bed yet.

I have had a hectic day. Michael (my son) hurt himself on Wednesday at football practice but didn't tell me how bad. I noticed that he was limping pretty bad on Saturday so we iced his foot and kept it elivated. Sunday we had a family outting and I'm assuming to not make a fuss in front of his dad he walked with us instead of staying with my mom. Yesterday (Monday) hubby noticed his limping and said he isn't to practice football at all and to take him to the doctors. So that is what today consisted of. His doctor is in San Jose which is about 1.5 hours away from our home.

SO we went this afternoon then waited after which we were sent to Xray and went home. I got to my mom's and took a nap because she doesn't have the healthiest food there and it's better for me to sleep there than to eat there.

We were there waiting to hear back from the doctor. She finally called back and my little guy has a fragmented bone along his small toe on his left foot. Fragmented??? Well it translates to shattered. He has been walking around on a shattered that boy of mine has a high pain thrushold!

By the time the we got home and I made dinner it was 9:15pm and I had to wait before I could work out. I was finishing when hubby got home. He actually helped me do some of the exercises because my tummy was too big for me to do them correctly so he held my leg and let me use his arm as the anchor instead. Thanks babe; however, next time stay in your room!

I just finished cleaning the kitchen and now here I am writing in my journal-really late! Well good night everyone.

04 sierpnia 2010

02 sierpnia 2010

I really need to get better at writing in my journal. I got the exercise and food journal down. Now I will work on this one.
Well hubby decided to take us somewhere else instead of the beach yesterday. My son was upset I really didn't care. We went to the Bay Area and spend the day there. I was a little upset because it messed up my eating. Breakfast was good but lunch and dinner were not. For lunch I had Korean food. Not sure how they cooked the food, but I did try for what looked healthy. Dinner was at McDonald's I ate the grilled chicken sandwich with very little mayo, my son and I shared a fry. I drank a carmel frappe. Good thing I got my exercise done early before we left so I had that going for me.
Today I'm going to try a strict eating plan. I have to lose at least 8 lbs per week to hit my goal by September 15th. So time to get this ball on the roll!

Historia Wagi BeautiBabe

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