Członek FatSecret od sierpień 2015
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
120,2 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 2,7 kg

Aktualna Waga
117,5 kg
Wyniki: Traci 0,6 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
90,7 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 26,8 kg
I am a 63 year widow with 3 married children, 7 grandchildren and a 7 year male Beagle. I have Type 2 Diabetes. I medicate for my diabetes, for high blood pressure and cholesterol. I have some significant back issues that limit my activity. I would like to get off some of my meds, so am following a calorie counting diet watching my carb and cholesterol intake. I live in Minnesota, so it has been quite easy so far as I have lots of fresh veggies, fruits and have sons and grandsons that keep supplied with fresh fish. I also use my grill as much as I can.

Historia Wagi GailMN

Książka Kucharska GailMN

Kalorie: 264kcal | Tłusz: 8,14g | Węglo: 11,74g | Białk: 36,53g
Baked Spicy Fish
Fish baked in a spicy sauce with tomato. Low fat and no dairy.
Zobacz Całą Książkę Kucharską

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