Dziennik Shellie7431

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22 maja 2012

07 maja 2012

30 kwietnia 2012

So the month of April has been aweful....I live in Pensacola Florida and my moms family lives in Kentucky....We got a call Two weeks ago that my Cousin lost her 31 yr old son, He was burried on Thursday, the following Tuesday the same cousn lost her Dad, We went up for the services and he was burried this past Thursday one week after my 31 yr old cousin. The same day My aunt went in for surgery to stop a nose bleed and had a stroke, she is now brain dead and her daughters are having to turn off life support today, This past Saturday my uncle here in Pensacola had surgery for a brain anyurism and wont stop having siezures and we have been told to bring in our Pastor.
I know God says He will never give us more then we can handle, but wow....I wish he didn't have so much faith in us!!!
The crazy thing is during all this my numbers have been really good! I was expecting them to be aweful becuase of the traveling and staying with other people and not being able to eat anywhere close to right. But I've lost a couple pounds and everytime I test I'm in normal ranges.
Seems Crazy to me but am very greatful that through all this I'm able to stay somewhat heathly....
Hoping for a better May!!!

06 lutego 2012

31 stycznia 2012

FINALLY moved in, still have unpacking to do but I can do that this weekend. Think I've done something to my hip, Seems when I lay on side my hip aches really bad,probably just getting old and the extra weight doesnt help any......but has really been bothering me with all the moving we did this weekend....OKAy enough about that, went to the Dr, for my follow up, When I was officially diagnoised my dr was out of town so his on call dr gave me a rx and it just didnt seem to be working, come to find out it was it was such a minimal dosage that it wasnt doing much of anything, sooooo we are now upping my dosage, it will take about 3 weeks to get to where i need to be but at least i should start feeling better. My A1C was 9.9 when back in Dec and after a month it is down to 9.3, not a drastic change but it does show I'm doing something right
Hope Everyone is having a Great Week!!!!!

Historia Wagi Shellie7431

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