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18 czerwca 2012

Waga: Do tej pory straciłeś: Wciąż do stracenia: Zastosowanie diety:
79,6 kg 14,2 kg 0 kg Dość Dobrze
   Dodaj Komentarz Traci 0,1 kg na tydzień

14 czerwca 2012

The baseball game was AWESOME!!! Even though not a single foul ball was hit anywhere near us. We were 7 rows up from the bull pen. Some of those pitchers are MUCH PRETTIER in person... phew! I am kinda disappointed tho... it was last night that the Giant's pitcher pitched a perfect game. I bet SF was buzzing last night! I was exhausted and could hardly keep my eyes open on the way home. I dropped off the other two boys, headed home to finish my Subway sandwich from earlier in the day and hit the hay when Ryan got a call that the guy who invited us had forgotten his work keys in the car... F*&%!!!! I was so close to bed!! I drove his keys back to him, headed home and crashed. I woke up at about 4:30 to go pee and decided at that time I was NOT going to work. I was still so exhausted that my head hurt.

We woke up just before noon and started in with our day. We picked up the munchkin and headed to the gym to get Ryan set up on my membership. Totally lucked out and met with someone different than I had originally spoken to and he gave us an even better deal!!! I love saving money! So the fiance is set up with a gym membership. Now he better use it! Then we went and did a little grocery shopping.

Upon getting home from shopping I got a call from my mother. She was looking for my co-worker that I drive to and from work sometimes (a friend of hers). Her fiance had borrowed my mom's car and while on the freeway was hit by a flying 90lb cinder block. The friend/co-worker's fiance is hurt but ok and my mom's car is totalled. That sent me into a tizzy, since that used be my car and now my mom is left without. That hinders her being able to watch/transport my child, which I pay her for so she can afford her bills. That lead me to sitting on the couch, laptop on my lap playing a video game, with a glass of wine on the table next to me. My eating was horrible - the fiance wanted Taco Bell - but I managed to stay under my RDI.

Ran W2D3 of C210K today. My joints didn't want to wake up, so I kept having to pause during the walking portion and stretch. I may try and run Day 3 again on Saturday to prep because next week it really starts picking up!!! Tonight, unless by some strange chance Ryan wants to go to the gym, I will be cleaning my house. It is literally THRASHED. I have run out of clean forks.... and then early to bed to be up early tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be spin and weights. Then work :( Then maybe, if I can convince the fiance, the yearly local Party in the Park celebration to meet up with my gym buddy and her BF.

Hope everyone has a great day!

12 czerwca 2012

Ah, Tuesday. So nice to see you again.

Yesterday was a short day at work, hence no journal. I left work at 11:30 to go accompany the fiance to court. He isn't in trouble or anything, just trying to finish up some business from when he was 20 and not the smartest guy in the world. Unfortunately things didn't go the way he had hoped so most of my day was spent on the couch, doing nothing since he wasn't in a fun or talkative mood. I did manage to make it to the gym yesterday, even if it was just for 30 minutes to get in D1W2 of C210K. Since I am usually MIA at the gym on Monday's I am going to count that one as an accomplishment.

Got up and made it to the gym again this morning. Ran day 2, even though I know I shouldn't have, but it's ok. It will be at least Thursday before I run again and maybe Friday if I go to the strength class Thursday morning.

Aaaaaaannnnnd NOW is when irresponsible, carefree Bailey gets to poke her nose into things...... Last night we were invited to tonight's GIANTS game. The long and short of it is: I work till 4. We will leave no later than 5 to make the 2 hour + drive into San Francisco. 7:15 start means the game will be over 10ish... then the hike back to the car and the 2+ drive home (probably closer to 3 hours with game traffic). Best case scenario is I will be home by 2ish and in bed.

Now, I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I DO NOT function well on small amounts of sleep and have to be out of my house by 7am to get to work on time. The only thing that can make a sleep deprived Bailey worse is a hungover, sleep deprived Bailey. Now since we are getting these tickets for free* we have to drive... meaning I will have to drive. That negates the possibility of hungover, sleep deprived Bailey. But now I have a battle going on between my devil and my angel about whether I will be attempting to work or calling in sick. I have already notified my coworker that has been riding to work with me that she is most likely on her own tomorrow and that I wouldn't know if I was going to work until 6am tomorrow. Still, I feel guilty for even thinking about it. I don't have a bad attendence record. Other than calling in for Ryan's sister's wedding in April I haven't played hookey in about a year.... and from what I am being told, they're awesome seats.... and I haven't been to a game yet this year.... oh the decisions!!!!!

If I call in, I can go to the gym when I wake up. And since by going tonight we will miss the appointment to get Ryan set up at the gym, I figure we can do it all tomorrow morning and then he can work out with me! Mr. "Oh you want a work out, I will show you a workout!" He thinks just because he spent 18 months in a military style bootcamp setting between the ages of 17 and 19, that he can kick my ass. I don't think so! and if by chance he can, even better!

Well it's lunch time and I have to go call the fiance and tell him what things he has to take care of before we leave.

Have a good day!

08 czerwca 2012

Ok I said I wanted to wait until Monday, but I couldn't resist. Yesterday morning the scale said 177.0, which was up .5 LBS from what my last recorded weight was. This morning I got up, hopped on the scale and 175.3... Wha??? No way! 1.3 pounds down since yesterday???? Well after I brushed my teeth I decided to hop back on and double check. Weighed 2 more times and got 175.6 both times. I decided I would stick with that number.

So the last 2 days have been great. Bug is much better. She still has a nasty cough but her voice is coming back and there have been no more complaints of painful peeing. Yahooo!! She did put herself to bed before 8 last night though. Poor little thing is just worn out. After work, I met up with the BFF for 30 day shred. We have decided that we will go one more week at level one and then move to level 2. I enjoy the interval training more than normal workouts, but something about Jillian bugs the CRAP outta me!! The fiance and I still aren't in the best place. I think there will be a discussion this weekend about support within a relationship. But at least we weren't activly fighting. I made crescent roll pizza pockets and salad for dinner and we relaxed and watched Auction Kings.

This morning, I got out of bed at 4:30 (insert weigh in story here ___) and with being so pumped about the weight, I decided as long as time permitted I would stick to my plan of 5:15 spin class and W1D3 of C210K. I am very glad I did it, but I don't think my lower legs share my enthusiasm! My knees and shins are screaming at me. They should be fine eventually as this is the result of lazy muscles not injury or over use. If not, I can see a glass of wine and an ice pack in my future. Just have to get through work first.

Depending on what time I get up tomorrow, I might squeeze in a work out. Whether it's at the gym or just at home.... Then I want to park my ass in my new floatie and spend the day floating on the lake with friends and food and maybe even a beer or two. BUT! I am too motivated to let myself over indulge. I want the scale to show me an even lower number come Monday morning!!!!!

And in closing, I leave you photo from the wedding a few weeks ago. I need to shrink the others before they will fit. Of course, my child was too busy dancing to be in these :) Happy Friday!!!

Ryan and I

08 czerwca 2012

Waga: Do tej pory straciłeś: Wciąż do stracenia: Zastosowanie diety:
79,7 kg 14,1 kg 0 kg Dość Dobrze
   Dodaj Komentarz Traci 0,5 kg na tydzień

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