Członek FatSecret od grudzień 2013
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
94,7 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 13,9 kg

Aktualna Waga
80,8 kg
Wyniki: Traci 0,0 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
70,3 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 10,5 kg
2023 Update: Now 73 years old. I started here at age 64 so I'm thinking it's about time I finished the job, wouldn't you say? One improvement over the past year or so is that I mostly maintained the weight I attained at that point, which is 25 lbs less than my highest weight. In the past I had returned to bad habits and regained.

After much research I have decided to go ketovore, having decided I'm not quite ready for full carnivore. In addition to weight loss I expect to have improvements/elimination of skin issues and mood swings. And I hope to keep type 2 diabetes away.

2021 Update: Back at it! All the same below holds true, except I'm 3 years older and still learning.

Female, 68 years old and have followed mostly low carb diets to keep my weight at least somewhat in check over the years. The weight gain occurs when I'm not on a diet regimen. With worsening fasting blood sugar, a good 40-50 pounds to lose, and a family history of type 2 diabetes, I'm back to low carb and keeping at Atkins induction levels with a higher ratio of fat. Since new research has shown that extending the period of time between meals helps lower fasting insulin levels (important to correcting the insulin resistance that is behind type 2 diabetes), I also utilize intermittent fasting at a 16:8 level.

Historia Wagi trackin64


Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 0,2 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 1,3 kg na tydzień Down
(widoczne tylko dla obserwujących)
Fritzy 22
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,3 kg na tydzień Down

Książka Kucharska trackin64

Kalorie: 294kcal | Tłusz: 19,17g | Węglo: 29,93g | Białk: 5,24g
No Flour Chocolate Cake
A gluten free and very chocolatey, decadent cake.
Kalorie: 108kcal | Tłusz: 7,16g | Węglo: 1,02g | Białk: 9,62g
Parmesan Chips
Crunchy chips that are great as a snack or tossed into a salad for a little extra crunch.
Zobacz Całą Książkę Kucharską

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