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09 października 2012

Ahh yes, time for another update. Haven't recorded a journal entry since September 21st. I need to keep myself in check. I haven't "hit the gym" in about 2 weeks nor have I paid much attention to the food I'm consuming. I'll admit, I am definitely making healthier choices, naturally. I don't have to coax myself into eating healthy. Smaller portions, fruit for snacks, no soda, etc. Small changes do make a big difference.

That's why when I reluctantly stepped on the scale today, I had actually lost weight. Big shock actually. A nice surprise.

I had been in Vegas for a week on vacation and lived decadent for most of that week. The only positive thing I can say is that I was constantly moving around. So much walking, my feet were aching and 9 times out of 10, I chose to take the stairs rather than the escalator.

My journey is a long one, but I'm ready to make some commitments to myself. Getting healthy definitely is a top priority, but losing weight is also important to me. There are so many activities that I am too big to participate in, it's rather embarrassing. I wouldn't dare sit on a hammock because I fear my weight is too much for it. I take my kids to the carnival and am reluctant to ride anything because it's hard to even close the door or put the seatbelt on. I want to fly and not have to worry if I'm sitting next to another big person, or worry that I'm going to be stuck in the middle seat, taking up all the room. I also just hate having to ask for a seatbelt extender. Everyone else's seat belts fit but mine. It's rather disappointing. I cannot believe I let myself become this obese. Time to stop punishing myself and start taking care of myself. I deserve better than what I've become.

No more excuses. Bottom line.

21 września 2012

Down to 311 (was up to 316 as of early last week). Glad to see my hard work paying off again. I don't want to gain, I know how easy it is to put the pounds back on.

I've reached one of my goals this week. When I work out, I climb the stairstepper machine. Well starting off, I couldn't even manage 5 minutes without being exhausted and out of breath. Fast forward a couple of months, yesterday (September 20th, 2012) I completed 30 minutes (plus the minute cool down). I didn't even need to take a single break! It's a wonderful feeling.

I really had to motivate myself to attempt 30 minutes again today but I notice I don't really gasp for air. I need to challenge myself some more. I accomplished 30 minutes on level to achieve 30 minutes on level two (that's my next goal).

I really need to focus on my eating habits too. Although I haven't been to strict, I do realize, had I been strict, I could've lost a lot more weight.

I have a super strong urge to be thin so I know I will have to work hard, for at least a couple of years to achieve that time like the present!!!!

19 września 2012

I'm trying to get back on track with journaling and entering my food intake. I've ignored it the past few weeks because I wasn't proud of what I was doing and didn't want to see my bad behavior in my fat secret entries.

I came across a picture on facebook the other day and it hit home. It was a simple picture, a pie chart but instead of a solid color, fruits and veggies were the background and exercise was the other slice of pie. 80% of weight loss is diet...with the other 20% being exercise. The reason this hits home so much is because I've tried to justify my bad diet with the fact that I do continue to work out everyday. It is an eye opener to realize that my poor diet is holding me back from losing the weight that I want to lose. I could literally melt the pounds off (since I do work out daily). All I have to do is make more of an effort to eat better.

So today, I'm back on track with journaling and entering all my food. I know I can lose weight, and I really do want it really bad. None of this nonsense about willpower, 100% work will get me 100% results - simple as that.

05 września 2012

29 sierpnia 2012

Well I'm on a 2 day streak of eating what my nutritionist recommends, 1800 calories a day. The first day I was at 1600+/- and yesterday went over about 64 cals but I don't feel awful about that. Today I will continue to strive for my 1800 calorie limit. I am determined to lose 20 pounds in a month. Reason being, I "overflow" into the next seat when sitting on an airplane, I'd like to work towards losing weight since I'm going to Vegas at the end of September. I'd be very happy if I didn't overflow!!!! Not only that but less weight to carry while walking the strip the better. My exercise has clearly given me more stamina, I will push myself everyday to see that I move forward.

I've lost 19 pounds not being completely strict on my calorie counting, so I feel if I am strict, maybe I'll do another 20 pounds just as easy if not easier than the first month of dieting.

Wish me luck.

Historia Wagi Tigsy

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