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06 grudnia 2015

Waga: Do tej pory straciłeś: Wciąż do stracenia: Zastosowanie diety:
112,9 kg 2,5 kg 26,8 kg Dość Dobrze
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17 października 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors!

I started my first course in the Ministry Preparation Program at the Nazarene Bible College this morning. I'm really excited about beginning this adventure at just about the time I'm ready to close out another phase of my life. As most of you know, I will be retiring from my job effective December 31st. And I've already retired once from the military. I doubt I will retire from a 3rd occupation; I think I'll make this one just for fun till I go up. :D

Drove up to the store and picked up some chicken wire and straw so I'll be ready to put the roses and other sensitive plants to bed before the hard freezes set in. Stopped at the grocery store to get all the ingredients so I could make my world famous chile for tonight's weenie roast at the church. Well, I think it's world famous; the world just doesn't know it. It will definitely clear out your sinuses. The worst part is I keep sampling it to make it just right. I've been at it for the last 4 hours. I got my daughter to try it; she loves it. DW won't come near it. I've got the roaster pan filled to the brim. I don't know how much of it will be eaten, but regardless, if there is any left, I'll take it to work for lunch until it's gone. It's that good. I don't mind saying so myself. :D

Well, that's about it. I'll let you know how it goes. Perfect cool weather for a bonfire, wieners, chile and cider. Probably coffee and iced tea too. Who knows what covered dishes will show up. Dang, I hate it when that happens! :) Well, anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Toodles!

15 października 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors!
Well, it's my 2nd day back to work and I am feeling better. The worst of it has been the sinus drainage and feeling like my tonsils were inflamed. Both have lessened now; I just feel like I could sleep for a week. Of course, getting 6 hours a night doesn't help that either I guess. Stayed up a little too late again last night working on a laptop. I had been getting hard drive errors, so I bought a new hard drive, reinstalled the operating system and started installing other applications when I got the same error again. Since the hard drive controllers are built into each hard drive, and have already been replaced, that pretty much only leaves the motherboard to be replaced. I don't want to fool with that right now, so I just ordered another used computer tower with plenty of processing power, and all the extras I need to accommodate all the gizmos I will be plugging into it. I start my ministerial studies on Monday, and I definitely want to have my server and the PC working before I head to Branson for the week of Thanksgiving. My plan is to just take my little Ipad and pass my documents back to the server at home as need be. Yeah, I know none of this has to do with weight loss; just has to do with stress, which I guess causes me to eat, which I guess does has something to do with weight loss.

Still feeling a little light headed, and occasionally nauseous, so I'm not getting the exercising in that I want to, but I think the rest is more important right now. I am starting to count down; I've got a week of vacation and a couple of personal days coming, so I have 39 more working days till retirement. Sometimes when things happen, they happen at an exponential rate, and this was one of those times. Now, I can hardly wait for the games to begin. I've got plenty to keep me busy, and a little time for fun here and there isn't going to hurt either. I even have an old Heathkit Master Electronics Course, packed away in a box for about 15 years, that I haven't had time to play with, that I think I'll finish, and then repair an antique radio or two. I bought it for review, and just to keep the gray matter from becoming too tarnished, so I guess I'll fiind out just how much I've forgotten. I bought the enlarger and development supplies for developing and printing black and white film, so I think I'll play around with that a bit. And of course, there's the old '59 1 ton panel truck waiting in the garage to be restored, after I get done building all the kitchen cabinets of course. That's all assuming I get the pool downstairs completed before I retire. I've still got to completely wire the gymnasium, since all the lighting and wiring was removed when the roof was replaced. So, I've got a few years worth of work yet, regardless of whether I'm getting paid for it or not.

Who knows, DW might even want to take a few motorcycle rides with me. Well, on a more serious note, especially concerning diet, I've been looking seriously at the DASH diet, since I don't want to go on high blood pressure meds, and the diet actually makes a lot of sense, AND you have the option of like 1500, 1800 or 2200 calorie a day intake, or something like that. It's FREE! The website even gives you guidance on how to phase into it, or even do it partially. I like it. I can't remember who posted the link on here; I found the site very informative. Here's a link if anyone else is interested:
The DASH Diet (Don't forget to right-click the link and open in a new tab or window, if you want to be able to easily navigate back to FS).

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Blessings to you! Toodles!

13 października 2015

Greetings FS Warriors! It's been another interesting week. Saturday, I busted my butt all day chipping out the old asphalt caulking that seals the concrete around the school foundation, and applying new sealant against water intrusion. I have been working, both outside and inside, to ensure that the floor downstairs is impervious to heavy rainfall and a high water table, prior to installing the Endless Pool. I could tell, early in the day that I was coming down with something. Since DW has been laid up for quite some time with flu-like symptoms, I expected the worst, and decided to get done what I could. Sunday, I felt stuffed up, with cold-like symptoms coming on. By Sunday evening, I was feeling like crap, and to top it all off, my butt checks hurt like the dickens. I have heard that a cold or flu can settle in parts of your body that are stressed, and now I kind of wonder if that isn't true. I was doing a lot of squatting and bending while working on the foundation, and I expect my glutes would have been rather tender, but mine were ridiculously painful, and I attribute at least part of that to the flu or whatever I picked up. Today is Tuesday, and I haven't been at work for two days. I am feeling better, and if the night goes well, I'll go back to work tomorrow. There was no sense in sharing what I had with the rest of my workmates; the benefit did not outweigh the cost. As far as the diet goes, it has kind of taken care of itself; since I didn't have that much of an appetite, I only ate out of necessity, hoping to kick this thing in the butt. So far, so good. I remember that the last time I had these kind of symptoms, it went on for a couple months. I don't need that now, just as I've finally decided to get back on track. You could say that I was practicing for retirement, but I would hate to think that I wouldn't get any more done in retirement than I have these last couple days. No, I just wasn't firing on all cylinders.

Well, that's about all that's been happening on the home front. DW is still struggling with her illness. She's kind of at the point now where I am beginning to wonder if it isn't all the time spent in bed that is contributing to her headaches and weakness. She seems to be doing better, but is able to sleep for 15 hours at a time. I don't know how anyone can stand to do that. I wish I could sleep when I get sick; that's all I want to do, and it's the only thing I can't do when I'm sick. Anyway, it is what it is. Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful week. Toodles!

07 października 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! I know I haven't posted as often as is typical of me, but I've been kind of preoccupied. The reality of retirement is setting in, and I find myself wishing it was even sooner, though I know I am better off waiting until the end of the year, especially for tax purposes - because the incentive then won't be paid until next year.

I ordered the rock to encapsulate the drain pipe in the downstairs room, before I mix and pour the conrete for the floor perimeter. Then the floor should stay dry forever and ever, and I can work on installing the endless pool. I have had that thing in wooden crates out in the gym for over 2 years. I just didn't want to install it in a room where there was water leaking in. The older I get, the more I should balance the running with the swimming. At least, that's what I'm thinking.

Went for a pretty vigorous 30 minute walk today at lunchtime. First time for that in a long time. Made me remember how taxing a vigorous 30 minute walk can be. Haha! I know the bottoms of my feet were feeling a little tender, so I'm thinking I had better start bringing my running shoes to work again. It was a beautiful day today, with a slight breeze coming off of the river. I could have stayed out there all day long - but sitting on a bench, of course! There were some pretty fat squirrels along the way - the 4 legged variety - although I did run into some pretty squirrely people, but they weren't all that fat.

Yesterday was the Village Board meeting - but it was without me. Yay! I had a stress free and very relaxing evening. A little spaghetti (OK, a lot of spaghetti) and a glass of red wine. I know, but who eats just a little spaghetti, anyway? I have to work on that. It's starting to get dark way too early already. I need to get my lighting installed out in the gym/garage, so it isn't so gloomy and demotivating to go out there and work. Looks like a Bella Lagosse movie when the shadows from the flying bats are dancing on the walls. I don't want to get rid of them, because they do a fine job of keeping the mosquito population down, but if I have better lighting in there, they will play somewhere else.

DW has come down with something again, and has been deathly ill for the last few days. She says she is feeling somewhat better this morning, but went back to bed. of course, that is about 5 this morning, so most of you wouldn't stay up anyway, at that hour, if you didn't have a reason to be up. Anyway, we will see. I hope I don't get what she has, but honestly, I don't know what she has. Maybe the flu, but I don't think it's that bad. Who knows!

OK, going to get off of here. I know they are paying me to get out of here, but as long as they are paying me, I ought to get some work done. Here's hoping you all are having a great day. Have a great evening as well. Toodles!

Historia Wagi DairyKing

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