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10 września 2015

10 września 2015

Good Morning, FS Warriors!

Came home last night to a beef pot pie in the oven and a note telling me DW was at the church getting some training in financials. So, she is coming out of her slumber. Since I had Praise and Worship practice last night, we passed each other going and coming. Apparently, she is still not ready to talk, but at least she is up and moving. I probably shouldn't be telling the whole world about these episodes, but who knows, there just may be some that appreciate knowing that there are other FS people on here going through the same things they are. I'll just continue to pray for her, and pray that I learn not to do whatever triggers her negative emotions. You would think that I would have figured it out after 33 years.

Well, I did all right on the diet until I got back from church. That banana split ice cream was calling to me from the freezer. I was sure that it was going to taste like heaven itself; but ironically, from the second bite onward, I was wishing I hadn't gotten it out. I'm sure it tasted fine, but it wasn't worth it. Clothes are fitting a little looser, but like everyone else, I wish it would happen a lot faster.

My appointment with the Dr. is next Friday. I am going to find out whether I am still pre-hypertensive, normal, or have escalated to hypertension. I am not expecting any other surprises from the blood work results. I wish I would have started back up on my diet sooner, so I would know whether weight loss would take care of any blood pressure issues. I am pretty sure that if I go on any kind of blood pressure medication, it will take divine intervention to come off of it.

Well, there isn't much happening in my world yet, I expect that the next week will be fast and furious, with the Village Bard Meeting, and the Nursing Home Ministry. Hopefully, DW will be back to normal and I will be tackling one project after another. Here's to all of you, hoping your day is wonamous. Toodles!

09 września 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! The temps are cooling off a little outside, but here at work, the A/C just quit. My office space is already up to 82F and it's getting a little toasty. It's 77F outside. One of those rare instances where the factory is cooler than the office spaces.

Well, DW is still sleeping. Of course, she is getting up and going to the bathroom, and feeding the cats and such. Don't exactly know what's going on, but she wrote me a letter like, "Don't call me, I'll call you." Doesn't want to talk; if I have something to say, leave it in a letter on the table. This is a first. Usually I know what I did wrong. :) Anyway, depression is a strange illness. For all I know, she is up and about all day long and just jumps back into bed before I get home to punish me. God knows I deserve it; just don't know in this particular instance. :D

Had Church Board meeting last night. DW was gracious enough to have spaghetti sauce waiting on the stove, with a note telling me to cook the noodles. No problem. Just barely made it to the Board Meeting. Man, do you know how long it takes that water to boil if you watch it?!! I have Worship practice tonight, and I don't think I have anything planned for tomorrow night. I hope not. Looking forward to a night off.

I sent a letter off to the insane neighbor. I figured, since I couldn't get a word in, amidst his rantings, there might be a chance he would read a letter. It's not one of those groveling, "forgive me" letters. I told him that I proudly served over 25 years in the Armed Services defending his right to say whatever he wished, and if I deprived him of that right, I would be a hypocrite. I told him I was sending him a letter because I wasn't coming on his property and I didn't want him coming on mine. I told him his rantings were misdirected, but if that didn't concern him, I was fine with that also, as long as he did not deprive me of any right to life, liberty and property. I told him I did not expect us to be friends; I just explained what I did and did not take responsibility for concerning his allegations. I really wasn't concerned with his opinions; I just wanted him to know where I stood. He should get the letter today. And oh yeah, found out he's only 42, so it probably isn't Alzheimers.

All is well. It is 5 o'clock somewhere, isn't it? Toodles!

08 września 2015

Good Morning, FS Warriors! Back to work today. Ho hum. I had to go in a little late this morning because I was scheduled for my annual blood workup. I was the first person there at the clinic before they opened up, but found myself #11. Not sure how that works. Haha, anyway got my blood drawn. The girl was very good; I didn't even feel it. However, I left with this 2" wide blue tape bandana around my arm that looked like I was some kind of activist or something. Hey. Look at that guy, I wonder what tribe or group he is representing. Well, I represent all the poor souls who have been deprived of the privilege of walking around with this stupid bandana on my arm. Anyway, there is a kiosk on the way out of the clinic, and since I had to fast this morning in order to have my blood drawn, I stopped in to see what they had to offer. Fruits, and fruit juices, blueberry muffins, coffee, and other dainties. Of course, you know, me watching what I eat and all, I had the chocolate milk and blueberry muffin. Haha. Don't you just love it! Been a little stressed lately, and thought, "What the heck, go for it!"

Got to work about 8:30. I always seem to have a story and this morning is no different. Has anyone out there ever done this when they wanted to send a text message? Instead of looking a name up in my cell phone book before texting, I found a previous text message from that person, and responded with my new message. Unfortunately, I responded to a message that went out to God only knows how many people, and I have been fielding "Who is this?" text messages for the last 45 minutes. And it was a bit confidential concerning DW to her buddy, about sleeping so much. Well, one person responded that if I didn't tell her who this was, she would find out one way or another. Well, obviously, that isn't really hard to do. But anyway, I responded that I was trying to protect the privacy of the person the message was about. Let it go! I am pretty sure that I know who it was, and she is a gossip. Oh boy! I just love technology! I'm tempted to send out a message concerning a leaking blow-up sex doll or something. Boy, I know she'd find out who it was then, and it would be all over the church.

Well, anyway, DW's buddy is the Pastor's wife, and I just wanted her to talk to her and find out if something was going on. You know us guys; I might have torqued her off, and just don't know what it was. I'm pretty sure it's going to come around to being my fault one way or another. But better to be awake and yelling at me than doing this much sleeping. So, I'll see if I can't get a little work done today, while I wait for the call that says, "You just had to say something, didn't you?" And I'll say, "Yeah, I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut." :D Life goes on. Toodles!

07 września 2015

Good Morning, FS Warriors! Journal Entry #900. Wow, who'd have thunk it! Well, I am not sure I am off to a great start this morning. I don't know what got into me, but after a couple cups of coffee, and getting my morning chores done, I decided to make a four egg omelette. Nothing in it but whipped up eggs, so I'm not even sure whether that qualifies as an omelette or not. In any case, that put my breakfast at around 450 calories or so, including the V8 juice. I don't normally eat 4 eggs at a time, and not usually a 450 calorie breakfast either, for that matter. In any case, we will just have to see where the day leads.

I had hopes of doing something fairly special on this holiday, but it is 11:30 in the morning and DW is still in bed. How does that Army commercial go? Something like, "I do more before 5 o'clock than most people do all day." So, I guess the best I can hope for today is going out to eat; or should I say that is the worst I can hope for? I worry about her sleeping so much, but I think it's mostly because she is up and down most nights, until she gets exhausted and then does sleep for 15 or more hours. It could be due to all the meds she takes for replaced knees, fibroid myalgia, kidney stones, and depression. I couldn't handle all the meds she takes, but she's been doing it for years. I guess she has learned to live with it. She did the sleep study thing and they gave her one of those contraptions years ago. She used it for a month or so, and quit. I'm kind of glad she did; I don't think it did anything for her. Besides that, it was kind of scary waking up to that.

Call me Odd, but it seems almost sacrilegious to get involved in a big project that requires toil and sweat on a holiday. I guess, in reality, that's just an excuse for being lazy, but I think I make up for it on occasion. Holidays do make it more difficult to keep out of the food pantry, but the 4 egg omelette does seem to be helping in that area right now. I could declare this the day that I get back on my exercise plan. Interesting thought, but I think not. I think, at least until DW gets up, I will relegate the afternoon to the AMC channel on TV and practicing my guitar. Play it again, Sam. Toodles!

Well, Dw got up at about 5:30, demonstrated an atititude and went back to bed. OK, apparently the depression monster has reared its ugly head. I'm not concerned; I have been a good boy, and did not cause it. Honest. So, now I wish I had gone ahead and worked on the old truck or something. Got out a couple of beer brats and some Chardonay. Maybe not the best choices, but even if I was a great cook, which I am not, I don't feel like putting in the effort. Nothing I could find was really worth all the calories that any of my choices were going to dump in this girlish figure. So, I am enjoying a romantic evening, all alone with wine and brats, and watching Fast & Loud on TV. The company sucks, but at least the bus they are working on is the same year vehicle I have in the garage. Their's is a '59 Chevy School Bus, and mine is a '59 Chevy.1 ton Panel Truck sitting out in the garage. Note to self: if DW is not up by 9:00 on a weekend, go do something. Haha, I am a slow learner. OK, so far I have not sabotaged my diet completely. Toodles, again.

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