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30 września 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! It was 49F riding into work this morning, and it's about 68F right now; what could be better than that? I just returned from two back-to-back meetings: one to announce further layoffs, and two, to share my strategy for keeping the team going after I leave. Kind of like Sweet & Sour! Well, they wouldn't have offerred me the early retirement incentive if things were going well. Life is kind of like that: someone dies, another is born; one gets the goldmine, one gets the shaft. I feel bad for the people that will lose their jobs, but giving back my retirement won't help them; in fact, I'm moving out, so one of them can keep their job.

If you'll recall, I mentioned that the insane neighbor had destroyed the landscaping on the other side of my fence, with the Village President's permission, in the pouring down rain a week or so ago. I went to the Village President afterwards and told her that it was now their responsibility; I wasn't touching it. Well, yesterday, they did a fine job of landscaping. I am proud of them! I haven't heard from the Village Idiot in over a week, and I hope it stays that way.

They fixed my truck yesterday. I couldn't be happier! They fixed the radio antenna, that they had pinched when they tore out my dash to fix the A/C. And this time, they fixed the A/C again, which turned out to be a frozen idler pulley which threw the belt off. It was a bear to get at, so when they offered to do it all for $121.00, I told them to "go for it." They did great, and I'd gladly pay $121 again to be done with it.

DD had gone into the local hospital for sky-high blood pressure and chest pain a couple days ago. They did one of those electrocardiograms, and an angiogram, and said, there's nothing wrong. Sent her home late last night. I don't know if it was stress or what, but she has had 5 or 6 stints put in already. They said it was all working great. I'm trusting God that she was either healed, or she needs to get some stress out of her life.

I'm just holding my own on the weight thing right now. Been a little too much excitement in my life lately, and it isn't the kind you take viagra for. You would think the older you get, you would have less drama, but I do have a daughter and 3 granddaughters. I'm not saying that the boys don't ever cause problems, but I make them fend for themselves. I probably ought to do a better job of it for the girls also.

Anyway, I have a lot of work to do before I pass the torch here, so I had better get started. Hope everyone is having a wonamous day. Toodles!

28 września 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! It seems that every time I sat down to write in my journal over the last few days, I got distracted. Of course, I've been busy gathering information and planning my retirement. I've had a pretty good idea what my income would be, if I did retire; the biggest challenge is retiring with a lump sum, and not donating the majority of it to the IRS. And of course, because of my age, I'm not entitled to the same retirement healthcare plan as most people, but if I take Medicare Part A and B, then my company offers some kind of supplemental reimbursement arrangement, but they haven't shared with me, what that would cost me. And since I'm retired military, and have that medical insurance, is it going to be cost effective to even consider a supplemental insurance plan. Yikes, I don't want to get bogged down with thinking about this stuff!

The Pastor's surprise birthday dinner went surprisingly well. I couldn't believe that everyone who committed to coming, actually showed up. A very good showing! He was surprised, and we all had a good time, and a good dinner. Then one of the ladies brought him (and everyone else) a huge birthday cake on Sunday morning. Of course, I just had to have a piece, to be polite - of course.

Now that I have made the decision to retire, I can't wait, but I know it's in everyone's best interest to stick it out at work for the rest of the year. Now, If they told me to go home sooner, I'd be all right with that as well. I just want to make sure I stick to some kind of routine. I won't be getting up at 3 or 4 anymore after that, but I'm thinking 5 or 6 would be a good time to get up for coffee, maybe run or swim a few miles, and then get to work on the endless projects I have around the homestead. You know, just the fact that I won't have to face two hours of driving on wintry icy roads this winter, makes me feel like that, in itself, is a vacation.

Well, we took the great grandkids to the Corporate Fun Day, Saturday. Pony rides, a balloon artist, carnival ride, bouncey slides and houses, candle making, petting zoo, face painting, etc. They loved it. I was exhausted. I walked around a circle for 45 minutes while the kids dipped the wick, making candles. It never got bigger than a birthday cake candle, because they never got the idea, that holding it in the wax melted what they had already gained. They were pretty proud of it though. They got to go up into a little apartment, filled with smoke (fake), and "stopped, dropped and rolled" and got a firemen's hat. They fed the camel, pigs, goats, lambs forever! Haha; those animals probably volunteer for this outing. We went on the pumpkin carnival ride, which has a big wheel in the center, that you can spin your cab around. They took great delight in spinning that thing as fast as they could, for as long as they could. I haven't let on yet, that they were in serious danger of seeing their grandpa hurl. Completed the journey with a short stop at the Dairy Queen drive-thru. Come on, there had to be something in it for me also! :D I was hot and dehydrated. Got a root beer float.

So, anyway, that's what is going on in my world. Not too exciting, but the less drama, the better. Toodles!

24 września 2015

Good Evening, FS Warriors! It has been an interesting couple of days - the best of times, the worst of times. And it isn't even like some events were bad, and some were good. More complicated than that. Last night, we had worship practice. Apparently, some of the congregation has written letters saying they wish we had more contemporary Christian songs. Haha, the "Worship Wars" have hit our little church. I try and throw a contemporary song in every now and then, but I have purposely tried not to go overboard because, well, we have an older congregation for the most part. And it's the older crowd that is complaining. Well, not really complaining - so far. It's more like "You're doing a great job; could you do more of what that other guy used to do?" Well, I could - if I could play like Chet Atkins and improvise on the fly - which I can't. But anyway, I'm plugging more contemporary stuff in and trying to keep it lively. We have a pretty cool congregation that likes to laugh and joke, but you can't please everyone. Plus, some of the contemporary stuff is a little more complicated, and I'm not going to throw that stuff in for Sunday worship, if they don't show up for practice during the week. I'm really not there to entertain them anyway. If they want to be entertained, then they should show up at the Nursing Home gigs. There, we do a little bit of everything. There's always a little bit of drama in everything, isn't there?

Today was a very interesting and exciting day at work. First, I get an email that the CEO has a special message to share with the whole world, then the Group President sends an invitation stating that he wants to talk about the CEO's message, and finally the VP sends an invitation that she wants to talk about the CEO's message this morning. My thoughts immediately deduced that the CEO was stepping down - Wrong! The message focused on downsizing and restructuring - and specifically downsizing concerning management. It didn't come as a big surprise, considering the global economy. What did surprise me was that all management employees over the age of 55 were offered a pretty generous incentive to take early retirement, for the purpose of voluntarily reducing manpower, and limiting involuntary reductions in force. This option had been offered a couple of times during my tenure here, but I was ineligible, for whatever reason at the time. I figured those kind of offers would never come my way again. Well, it did today, and I couldn't say yes fast enough! DW was not so exuberant when I shared the news. I told her before that if the opportunity ever presented itself, they wouldn't have to ask me twice. I've been looking for a reason to retire, and this was a good one. She never gets excited about anything, so she kind of takes the fun out of good news, but this time, she is not raining on my parade. I have now retired from the service, and I will be retired prior to the end of this year from this company as well. I'm not going for a third company; I've got plenty of projects to do as it is, and I'm going to enjoy doing them.

Anyway, stress meter is down, but now I'm eating to celebrate my good fortune. Haha; there's always a reason to eat. At least now, I will have more time for building the pool, working out and running. Today, life is good! Toodles!

22 września 2015

Good Morning, FS Warriors! Off to a great start with a beautiful sunny morning around 59F. It's supposed to be up in the 80's today, but I won't see any of that until I step outside to go home around 4 or so. I did great yesterday - until I got home. Waiting for supper, I got into the pretzel jar. That wasn't too awful bad, but since I was running a pretty big tally from breakfast and lunch, it wasn't helping. The delicious steak, parsleyed potatoes and brussel sprouts were well worth waiting for. And I still wasn't doing too bad until about 9:00 pm - when the munchies hit. I have no idea what got into me, but a few dips into the M&M jar, a jawbreaker here and there, a glass of wine, and even a couple pieces of bubble gum later on - and I never chew bubble gum. It was like my body was demanding sugar. I knew I blew it, and I'm not even sure if having the stuff out of site would have helped. I am pretty convinced that when it hit, I would have turned the place upside down to get satisfaction. I remember many years ago searching ashtrays and everywhere, trying to find a cigarette butt that still had a few puffs left in it, when I was still smoking. Felt like the same kind of urgency. I don't like it; showed the weaker side of me. I felt like I needed to punish myself by washing my mouth out with cottage cheese or something. Now, some of you might not consider that punishment, but I do. I HATE cottage cheese. Tastes like it's already been ate once.

I was going to get some work done last night, but since this Friday is my Pastor & Best Friend's birthday, I decided to make a bunch of phone calls and surprise him with a bunch of friends at a dinner at a local restaurant. I told his wife that DW and I were taking them out to eat Friday night. It looks like I'll have about 30 people there; I will call the restaurant and make arrangements. They are good about putting tables together and reserving them. You wouldn't believe the number of people that are either not home on a Monday evening, or screen their calls. Some of them called me back later. It took up most of the evening. Maybe that contributed to the binging. I am an emotional eater after all.

This Saturday, our Company is putting on an Autumn Fun Day for the kids and grandkids. YOu can't take friends, or even the mom's or dads. It has to be dependents or grandkids. Last year, we took our 3 and 5 year old great grandchildren. That 3 year old just turned 4 and he remembered every single detail of last year, and he knows the date we are going this year; he told his mother not to make any plans for him on that date, because he is going with grandma and grandpa. They will have a petting zoo, the fire department, pony rides, some carnival rides, crafts, old settlers type stuff with cabins, food - just lots of fun. The 4 year old girl got mad at me because we wouldn't let her bring a guinea pig home. We told her that we didn't own him; that the owners had graciously volunteered to bring them in to share, but she would have none of it. She was determined that she wanted it, and was not pleased with me for not letting her have it. Oh well, the joy of not being able to give in to the pinings of a granddaughter. They were both asleep within minutes of leaving the parking lot.

Well, I hope to be free to work on whatever strikes my fancy tonight. DW brought this scraggly looking bird feeder/bird house hanger made of rebar that stands about 6 ft. tall and holds about 8 fixtures. I'll try and take a picture of it, but it's like a big umbrella made of rods and welded together. Anyway, I am going to try and make a pattern of what the arms should look like, and get my torch and hammers out and try to shape it into something presentable, and then paint it up nice. Hopefully, you will see a big difference in the before and after photos. Maybe I'll save it in reserve, once I've finished it, and use it as a "get out of jail free" momento when DW is pissed at me. Although, if it looks really good when I'm done, I'll probably have to bragg about it.

Well, that's all the rhetoric I really have time to share with you this afternoon. I pray everyone has a wonamous afternoon and evening. Toodles!

21 września 2015

Good Afternoon, FS Warriors! A Happy Monday to you all! Haha, is there really such a thing? All in all, we had a pretty nice weekend. I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but that was partly due to the fact that the Suburban's A/C problem turned out to be a little more than I want to dig into. The compressor is froze up (which is the heart of the system) and it is very difficult to get at. It is something I can do myself, but I don't want to do it. To do it right, I would really need to recover the refrigerant that is in the system, replace a number of other components as well, and recharge the system. The cost of the components isn't really that high, but the labor is, and rightfully so. I called the outfit that sold me the vehicle and talked to the owner. I have an appointment to bring the vehicle in Monday. They will change out the antenna (another issue entirely, but caused by their carelessness while repairing the A/C system the first time (or maybe it was the third time - my memory does not serve me well) it was in the shop. I did buy the vehicle "As is" but with the stipulation that they fix the A/C. The Chevy dealership had previously given me an estimate and determined that the compressor was faulty. These guys persuaded me that the compressor was not bad, and now it has eaten itself up, and froze up so that I cannot turn it. So, I will find out Monday what they will do. It's worth a shot; but I won't fight it very hard if they won't fix it, because I did negotiate a pretty good deal when I bought it. I will be happy if they will fix the antenna they screwed up, so I don't have to remove the entire dash assembly. I know this is all way too much info for most of you, but as boring as it may be, it is my story.

I started back on some semblance of disciplined eating, and I hope to actually get a run/walk in tonight. I am going to get serious about this diet issue, to avoid having to go on BP meds. Also, even though my Blood Sugar is in the acceptable region, I know that I cannot continue on this way without running the risk of becoming diabetic. Not the kiss of death, but why tempt fate?

I spent about 3 hours trying to make an image of a failing laptop hard drive this weekend, so I could install a new hard drive - to no avail. It was one of those projects where you wait 2 hours for the whole process to write to the drive, only to be met with the message, "Recovery Failed." Although throwing the laptop at the wall appeared to be the most logical and satisfying "next step" at the time, something convinced myself that the benefit did not outweigh the cost. So, I ordered another replacement Operating System from Amazon. If that doesn't work, then the previously aborted "next step" will probably be a much more attractive option.

Well, I guess this is long enough already. I hope everyone is having a great day. The weather here couldn't be any more beautiful today. Toodles!

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