Członek FatSecret od maj 2011
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
99,8 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 9,3 kg

Aktualna Waga
90,5 kg
Wyniki: Zyskuje 0,2 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
86,2 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 4,4 kg
55 years old former College/HS athlete fighting my way back to a healthy body...I’ve been on FatSecret for several years now... been an on/off "dieter" with limited success. I am NOW VERY motivated to get to my goal of 210. I began this latest effort after the 2012 Christmas Holiday when my scale tipped 236# (BMI 34.8).

Since that time, i have worked out at the gym several times a week. I've MADE time to exercise... and have exercised portion control. I FEEL MUCH HEALTHIER; my A1C is going in the RIGHT direction,
And am now a few weeks away from a goal that i once thought was IMPOSSIBLE...

UPDATE 7/19/13: I have FINALLY reached my goal of 210#. I am now looking at getting to 200#s. I don't believe i've been at that weight for at least 15 years! Maybe by Christmas I can update my BIO again... :)

UPDATE 2/13/14: I reached my 2nd goal weight of 200#'s this morning (BMI 29.5). I did so 2 weeks before my intended birthday target date! I've set me next goal at 195#s. I will target getting there by Memorial Day!

UPDATE 3/30/14: I reached my 3rd goal weight of 195#s (BMI 28.8). My next goal weight for maintenance will be 187#.

Update 7/1/14: New low for me, 190.0# BMI 28.1

Update: 7/13/14: I reached my final maintenance weight goal of 187.0 (BMI 28.0) today. I've now lost 50#s since my all time high (January 2013).

Update: 10/9/14: New low for me, 182.1 # BMI 26.9 I've been at or below my maintenance weight target for almost 3 months now. Feeling GREAT, and looking HEALTHIER!

SW 236.5
GW 187 (Maintenance weight)

Historia Wagi millerm40


Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 3,2 kg na tydzień Down
Shake Those Pounds
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 1,7 kg na tydzień Down
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 0,2 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,7 kg na tydzień Down

Książka Kucharska millerm40

Kalorie: 113kcal | Tłusz: 1,87g | Węglo: 24,36g | Białk: 2,01g
Double Chocolate Brownies
Moist fudgy and so yummy chocolate brownies.
Kalorie: 438kcal | Tłusz: 31,00g | Węglo: 4,25g | Białk: 35,03g
Mustard Creamy Chicken
Low carb chicken breasts with a creamy mustard sauce that are delicious.
Kalorie: 179kcal | Tłusz: 3,22g | Węglo: 13,82g | Białk: 24,77g
Baked Chicken with Mushrooms & Peppers
Super tasty and healthy chicken breast with sliced mushrooms and red or green peppers.
Kalorie: 188kcal | Tłusz: 9,65g | Węglo: 20,91g | Białk: 6,83g
Italian Pasta Salad
A fantastic pasta salad that's Phase 2 and 3 South Beach friendly in moderation.
Zobacz Całą Książkę Kucharską

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